
The final countdown!

So here is some light reading.

One in 10 teenagers bullied at school have attempted to commit suicide, according to research published today. In addition, a further 30 per cent go on to self-harm.

My first born has a matter of months before he finishes school for good. He’s ecstatic as it means he finally gets to study performing arts. He also gets away from five years of bullying.

He has been verbally bullied for those five years. He’s been distressed at times, but has got to the point where he lets it slide. The physical bullying isn’t so much but it will generally happen during PE. They also go through his bag take items, empty his drinks bottle, and be general knobs.

He won’t report it, I’m not allowed to report it. He knows that the circle of friends/popular kids (I like to call sheep) are to big, and taking one out of action won’t help.

What I can say is how proud and mature he is on how he handles it. He does talk to me when it’s getting to much. The scars on his arms from self harming aren’t that noticeable anymore.

The sad thing is that most of the kids involved I actually know a parent or a family member. Yet I’m not allowed to say anything because of the repercussions.

What I can say is that it’s not just my son being bullied there are others. Are you aware which group your child falls in to!

Remember every action has a consequence. How would your child cope with a suicide on their conscience because of their actions.

If someone doesn’t fit your mould just leave them alone. You don’t need to talk to them, the chances are they don’t want to talk to you either. Get on with your own life, without feeling the need to make other people feel miserable.

As a parent this is the shit end of the stick. Let’s hope him and others make it through school without it being a totally shitty experience.
